Challenging Midwife Scenarios
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Question 1 of 11
1. Question
You notice that there is a drunken male visitor staggering along the corridor, looking to visit a woman in your care. Would you:
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- Persuade the drunken man that it is best if he returns when he is sober
- Help the drunken man to the visitors room and offer him a coffee
- Show your disapproval and demand the man leaves immediately, calling security
- Ignore the drunken man as he isn’t doing any harm
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Question 2 of 11
2. Question
You are looking after a woman in labour. Her partner has been in the en-suite bathroom for a long time and you suspect that he is smoking a cigarette
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- Explain he is putting everyone in the hospital at risk and to put the cigarette out
- Ask him to leave the en suite and remind him that smoking is strictly prohibited
- You wouldn’t want to upset the women you are caring for, so you ask another member of staff to speak to him
- Ignore it, he is probably feeling stressed about his partner being in labour
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Question 3 of 11
3. Question
You are admitting a woman in labour and you notice a significant bruise on her stomach. Do you?
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- Her partner is in the room, so you wait until the right moment to ask what caused the bruising
- Ignore it, she probably walked into something
- Write a safeguarding report, it is obvious she’s been hurt by her partner
- Ask her what caused the bruising on her stomach
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Question 4 of 11
4. Question
You are leaving after a busy shift when you notice a visitor in the waiting room who is upset. Would you:
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- ask them if they are ok or if you can help
- ignore them, it would appear that they want some time alone
- mention it to a colleague on your way out
- smile reassuringly but walk keep walking, you have to get home
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Question 5 of 11
5. Question
One of your colleague’s makes a racist comment about a woman. Would you:
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- respectfully point out that the comment is inappropriate
- stand up for the woman
- make sure that you aren’t seen to laugh at or agree with the comment
- do nothing as no one else heard
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Question 6 of 11
6. Question
An overweight patient is embarrassed that she can’t manoever herself up the bed after having a caesarean section
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- try and encourage her to move and explain how to safely do so
- fetch the moving and handling equipment to assist her moving up the bed
- call to a colleague along the corridor for an extra pair of strong arms to help move her
- tell her to try again she has only had a caesarean, surely she should be able to move
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Question 7 of 11
7. Question
A woman in labour is angrily shouting at her partner who is starting to respond angrily himself. What would be your first action?
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- Ask them calmly what the problem is and listen to both sides
- Explain that labour can be an emotional time and its natural for tempers to be short
- Tell them firmly to stop arguing; they should be focusing on the safe delivery of their child
- Side with the woman as she is your priority
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Question 8 of 11
8. Question
A planned C section has been delayed and a couple have been left waiting on the ward. They are starting to complain. Would you:
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- Find out the reason for the delay and report back
- Ask them to be patient as they must wait until the surgeon is available
- Reassure them that they will be taken to theatre soon
- pass them a complaints form to complete
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Question 9 of 11
9. Question
A woman in early labour is refusing to come out of the toilet. You’ve made several attempts to get her out and the commotion is disrupting others on the ward. Would you?
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- Gently explain that you need to check she’s ok and will have to open the door from the outside if she won’t open it herself
- Bang on the door loudly and shout for her to come out for the last time before you’ll have to break down the door
- explain to the other patients what is to blame for the commotion and apologise for the inconvenience
- Leave her in there until she is ready to come out, there is time before the labour will progress
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Question 10 of 11
10. Question
A father has been informed that his child has been born with a rare and serious medical condition. What would you do?
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- Make time to check how he is and express your sympathy
- Arrange for the hospital counsellor to stop by and offer their support
- Treat him the same as everyone else
- Make sure the other parents on the ward are aware of the situation so they can be sensitive
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Question 11 of 11
11. Question
You are doing a handover to the early staff about the women on labour ward and you notice that one of the midwives is on her phone. What would you do?
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- politely say that there should be no phones in handover
- firmly ask them to pay attention in the hope it will make them realise that they’ve been spotted
- loudly tell them that they are being rude
- continue the handover and hope they put their phone away soon